Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oboe Presentation

The Grade Three students were treated to a wonderful presentation about the Oboe and English Horn first thing Tuesday morning. Mrs.Wright, Ethan's Mom in Grade 3 M/S plays for the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra so we were very lucky to have her come in. We were able to see the Oboe and English Horn up close and to see what a double reed looks like. This will help us alot with our "Peter and the Wolf" unit we are currently learning about. One thing I learned in the presentation is that the reason why the English Horn is called what it is because the English horn used to be called the "cor angle" since it had a bent shape. Angle, which is a French word, was mistranslated as anglais, or English. Even with the modern instrument being straight, the translation is still used and the instrument is still known to this day as the English horn. Very Interesting! Thank you Mrs.Wright!

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