Friday, December 20, 2019

Choir Choir Choir!

Last day of school before December break and the choir was at rehearsal full of excitement to learn the new music for the Winnipeg Music Festival. They requested videos to sing along to so here they are! The bottom two videos are for the Grade 2 choir going to the Pembina Trails Sings Music Festival.


Today we sang our school song! Linden Meadows has so much positive energy and it showed today when we sang LM! I have made a lyric video if anyone wants to sing along at home. I am very proud to work at Linden Meadows and when we premiered this song at our 25th anniversary in 2016 I knew it was going to be a hit!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Arctic Animals and Home for the Holidays

Its the most wonderful time of the year!! Holiday Concert Time!! We are well underway practicing our song for December 11th. Grade K-2 will have shows at 1:30 and 6:00 and Grade 3-5 will have shows at 2:30 and 7:00. Very exciting!! As always I promise to post videos for students to practice. Here they are! Unfortunately not all of our songs have videos. I'm going to have to learn how to do it myself!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Grade 2 Choir

We are very lucky to have a Grade 2 choir again this year. Yay! We are preparing for the Remembrance Day Assembly with this beautiful song. Here it is so you can practice at home.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Choir 2019-2020

Today we had our first Grade 3-5 Choir rehearsal! The students were so excited and sounded amazing! We have started learning a song called "Child of Peace" for the Remembrance Day Assembly on Nov.8th in the afternoon. The video for practice is below.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Another Great Year!

Welcome Back everyone! We are going to have another great year with our music classes, tech team, choirs, and the Grade 5-8 Musical!! Very exciting things ahead. Make sure you join in on the fun in any way that you can so you can make great friends, connections with teachers, and learn something new. We will continue our connection with our partner school in Uganda and learn about the music of Africa and the children that live there. The music room Instagram page is @lindenmeadowsmusic and we will post pictures from time to time about what is going on in our music room. Here on the blog I will put videos for the kids and information about upcoming performances. First up is Orange Shirt Day on Sept.30th to continue our journey of truth and reconciliation. See you at our Meet the Teacher BBQ on Wednesday!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Music Monday 2019

I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break! We are all excited for the last three months of school and one of my favourite days is Music Monday!!!! This year, the song all the children in Canada will be singing and playing together on Monday May 6th is Oscar Peterson's "Hymn to Freedom". It's one of my favourite songs to sing and I know everyone is going to love learning it! The choir has started rehearsing and have asked for a practice video so I found one that is pretty close to how we will be performing it. Here it is!

Monday, January 7, 2019


Welcome Back Everyone! 2019 is going to be an amazing year with our fabulous Linden Meadows Students. We have so many plans for the music program and I am very excited for the months ahead. The Grade 3-5 Choir was back at it today learning 2 new songs! We are preparing for the Winnipeg Music Festival and patiently awaiting our performance date. Here are the song that we will be performing so that the students can practice at home.